Bleu-Blanc-Cœur has succeeded to involve each actor of animal and food chain, as well as scientists, medicine specialists and consumers. Bleu-Blanc-Coeur proposes a global society engagement which involves our common responsibility.
1. For this reason, Bleu-Blanc-Coeur has 9 members’ committee:

Crop committee: it gathers seed producers, crop coop and companies, and grain collectors;

Animal nutrition committee: it gathers feed and premix companies, linseed extruded company. Those companies process the crops from the first committee;

Animal Production committee: it gathers all the animal production companies, coop, and farmer’s group;

Farm store committee: it gathers all the farmers who sale directly to the consumers;

Processor committee: it gathers all the processing industries which process animal products;

Retail committee: its gathers the actors from retail industry (supermarkets, catering…);

Scientist committee: it gathers a range of experts belonging to national and international well recognize organization such as INRA, CNRS, Universities… They are engaged to the writing and validation of the guidelines, nutritional and Scientifics communication of Bleu- Blanc-Coeur;

Consumer committee: it gathers all the consumer lobby;
Health committee: it gathers doctors, nurses, nutritionists, gynecologists, dentists, health and nutrition specialists… They are engaged to draw the link between Health & Nutrition, promote a better nutrition and communicate over biological aspects;
2. The governance of the organization is assuming by a board of elected representative coming from each committee.
3. Alongside this elected bodies, it exists 2 councils and some commission designated by the board:
- A scientist council focuses on the development of the approach. It gathers a team of expert (scientists, doctors, vets, dieticians…) who are in charge of defining the Scientifics research and Clinical trials lead by Bleu-Blanc-Coeur. They are also involving in the valorization of the results of those researches (publications, conferences, expertise…).
- A control council focuses on the respect of the quality engagement of the organization. It is linked to the certification organizations. It is validating the membership results and guaranty the respect of the guidelines to the Board.
- Some technical commissions (animal, environmental, communication) deploy the decisions and orientation in each sector.