Greenpeace France, WWF France, and the Bureau for the Appraisal of Social Impacts “LE BASIC” have built a methodology to characterize the sustainable commitments (social, economic and environmental impacts) of the food quality model. Bleu-Blanc-Cœur stands out of this study as logically impacting and favorable for HUMAN HEALTH and the CLIMATE but also relevant on many other criteria.
The framework: « Study about the sustainability approach in the food sector ».
This comparative study of the quality food models and labels about the sustainable impacts (social, economical and environmental impacts), screens 15 French quality approaches including Bleu-Blanc-Cœur identified because of its « strong notoriety growth in the food sector ».
This sustainability grid was built from scientific literature and index 14 main societal issues.
The public goal of the study’s sponsors was:
- To sunlight the political arbitration and the choice of the food sector‘s actors (Catering industry, Food processors, retailers, breeders, etc.).
- To establish objective grids of measurement about the sustainability to be able to compare the agricultural approach between them.
- And also to condition public supports to the impacts of those approaches and not to their screen intention (Funding, Food policy, etc.).
Presentation of the Bleu-Blanc-Cœur results
The Bleu-Blanc-Coeur approach have been study by its main sectors: ruminants (dairy cows) and the monogastric (broiler, layers, pigs).
The Bleu-Blanc-Coeur potential impacts diagram below recognizes the effectiveness of Bleu-Blanc-Cœur model on the two major issues, the human health and the climate.
Beyond these « heart of promise » commitments of Bleu-Blanc-Cœur, it should be noted that « the potential impact of the Bleu-Blanc-Cœur approach concerns 13 of the 14 dimensions of the sustainable development ». This makes it, a systemic and distinctive approach on the market for quality products.
Bleu-Blanc-Cœur also addresses, through its transversal and ecosystem model, the challenges of biodiversity, animal welfare, fair remuneration for stakeholders, social cohesion, food security, etc.
What to say about our results?
The Bleu-Blanc-Cœur approach is recognized for its positioning of an healthy agricultural approach respecting the Soil, the animals and the people.
This study highlights that our potential impacts, both measured and published, are numerous. They are cross-functional and comply with our commitments: almost all of the levers, both environmental and socio-economic, are addressed by the Bleu-Blanc-Cœur approach. The gradients of scores obtained confirm that our stated intentions are indeed consistent with our real impacts.
This highlight our co-construction approach and our philosophy of « continuous improvement plan » that we have been adopting for 20 years and that we will continue to follow.
The originality of our collective approach, our unique governance, our anchoring in the social and solidarity economy have a lot to do with these good results.
These results are rewarding, especially when we read these notes with regard to the Bleu-Blanc-Coeur prism which is to guarantee quality, durability, health and ACCESSIBILITY. As example today, the Bleu-Blanc-Cœur approach represents up to 15% production shares in France, and is acting in about 20 countries.
Doubling the qualitative impact (proven here by this study) with a quantitative approach (making those products accessible to all) is a strong lever for efficiency and impact.
These results are encouraging for further improvement of our commitments and impacts in the service of a sustainable agriculture. Bleu-Blanc-Cœur wishes to continue its progress plan work, to improve its impacts, and will be part of the construction of a model in line with the eligibility principle proposed by the sponsors of this study.
We did all this work without support, without subsidy but with pragmatism, conviction, strength and courage (the famous elbow grease).
We are proud of this and wager that the economic actors, the production sectors, our politicians (etc.) will see even better our young approach (20 years old!), and its relevance to give substance to their strategies in regard to CSR, sustainability, health, etc.
« We venture that Bleu-Blanc-Coeur will become one of the worldwide solution at the service of a sustainable and healthy agriculture. »
« We believe being a solution available in any type of restauration from retail till catering sector, in all food range, and on the plate of all “eater! »
The full study in its original version in French: « Étude des démarches de durabilité dans le domaine alimentaire. Rapport d’analyse transverse«