What role does vitamin D play in immune defense?


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Vitamin D’s role in the body defense, has come to the fore during the Covid-19 crisis. Many articles in the scientific press focus on the mechanisms involving vitamin D, that could impact our health in case of infection. Vitamin D requirements are complicated to define because it can be provided both by solar energy and food.

As example, the recommended nutritional references has been  defined by, the ANSES (French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety), at 15 µg per day* and even specific recomandation for seniors at 20 µg per day according to the French Academy of medicine.

Although the scientific press doesn’t have a clear consensus, it seems, that the dosages of vitamin D circulating in the blood reveal a certain deficit in France.

Our dairy product consumption habits provide about 25% of the recommended amount of vitamin D per day; it’s one of the first form of vitamin D intake in our diet, but there are differences due to food consumption usage (butter versus oils) and above all great variations in composition depending on farming methods, animal genetics and food. In fact, the majority of  dietary vitamin D needs, in western diet  are mainly covered by 3 product categories: fatty fish (20% to 50% according consumption), dairy products (25%), eggs (20%), so don’t forget, to put these products on your next shopping list.

Do not hesitate, to read  our special guide « ProtectiveFood » with propositions of menus, well supplied in vitamin D but also in omega 3, to boost your immunity.

Discover below our « infographic » on Vitamin D, a practical sheet produced in collaboration with the micro-nutritionist and sophrologist Alexandra Essen:

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